What will I find in my package from Lev HaOlam?

by Zvi Manasseh | Sep 13, 2018 | Company News

The packages sent by Lev HaOlam change each month, and contain a wide variety of goodies. Regular items include natural products, jewelry, olive oil, food products, spices, clothing and more. Each box includes numerous items sourced from Israel’s agricultural heartland, the Judea and Samaria regions which surround Jerusalem.

Recent boxes have featured exquisite wine from the Har HaBracha winery situated on the biblical Mount of Blessing, delicious rich chocolate produced near the holy city of Hebron, colorful decorative napkin holders to brighten up any dining table, and many more cute gifts, snacks and pieces of jewelry.

Chocolate from Holy Cacao

A dark, rich chocolate with an unforgettable taste and aroma. Holy Cacao’s delicious blend is an exciting new experience for all chocolate enthusiasts. Manufactured in a small but well equipped chocolate factory, their special chocolate is loving made in Maale Hever, in the mountains of Hebron.

Holy Cacao Chocolate’s founder, Jo Zander, proudly produces his wares from fresh cocoa beans sourced from a variety of different countries. This chocolate is dairy and can be used as a snack or for baking. It’s recommended to eat it in small portions and to keep it in a cool, dry place.

Olive Oil by Hemdat Avot

A short jump away is Hemdat Avot, situated in the biblical city of Hebron. Hemdat Avot’s founders, Moshe and Tehila Yahlomi, produce olive oil and wheat flour just like in bygone eras. Their oil is pressed from olives picked from ancient olive trees growing near the biblical Cave of the Patriarchs, the place mentioned in Genesis as where the mothers and fathers of the Jewish nation are buried.

While their olive grove may be small, it is very special as it forms part of a long chain connection Israel to its millennia-long Jewish roots in the city.

Argan Oil Anti-Aging Cream from Itamar Perfumes

Itamar Perfumes was founded in 1994 by Shimon Barda in the community of Itamar. From the outset, Shimon’s mission has been to produce all-natural deodorants, perfumes, and creams. After studying and collecting thousands of plants, Shimon established his own laboratory. Despite his modest means, experience and resources, Barda has defied all expectations, and Itamar Perfumes has grown to manufacture a wide range of all-natural products. This cream is rich in natural ingredients and is intended to be used on the face and other dry skin.

Havdallah Candle

This special ritual candle was handmade by Olga Alievsky, who lives with her family in Tekoa in Judea, just south of Jerusalem. “From the first moment I saw this art, I realized that this is what I want to do”, Olga told us.

Olga uses a unique technique to create her beautiful candles. Bearing two wicks, in accordance to Jewish tradition, this candle is often used for “Havdalah”, a Jewish ritual which marks the separation between the holiness of the Sabbath and the rest of the week. The colorful candle can also be used for decoration or mood lighting as well.

Jozef Wine from Har Bracha Winery

This delicious Cabernet Sauvignon comes from Har Bracha Winery, run by the Lavi family. The winery is located on Mount Gerizim, Samaria, a place described in the Bible as where G-d gave His blessings to the people. The Lavi family describes the place as no less than “the geographic cradle of Jewish culture”.

Overlooking the biblical city of Shchem, the sweeping landscapes, along with the geological structure of mountains to the East and the Mediterranean Sea to the West, convinced Nir Lavi to plant vineyards there. “It creates a sensation of incredible altitude”. The entire family of seven is involved in the production of the wine, which lies just next to the family’s home.

Assortment of Items from Irit Galmor

From their home in Nofim in Samaria, Irit and Moshe Galmor work together to produce a variety of Jewish-themed items for the home, often focusing on the Shabbat table. Traditionally, Jewish families gather to eat together on Friday night and Saturday lunch, and Irit utilizes her artistic abilities to create beautiful items to liven up any dining table. Alongside her napkin rings and wine stoppers, she also designs stunning Tunisian-influenced candelabra for use on the Hannukah festival, spinning tops traditionally played with on the same festival, Shabbat candle holders, and more.


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