Lev HaOlam Invited to Celebrate Harvest at the Feast of Tabernacles

by Zvi Manasseh | Oct 8, 2018 | Company News

Every year, millions of people around the world celebrate Sukkot, which is one of Judaism’s most important holidays. The event celebrates the fall harvest, and this year was extra special because Lev HaOlam was invited to be a guest at one of the most exclusive Sukkot celebrations: the Feast of Tabernacles!

Lev HaOlam’s goal for the Feast was to show everyone how they could support Israel in a fun and easy way, and we were extremely successful! Thousands of people visited our stand during the week-long event and got to see and try amazing products from the Israeli heartland. Every single attendee only had the highest praise, calling the products “excellent,” “high quality,” and one even mentioned that “[she] couldn’t wait to subscribe and get these products herself!”

It was such a blessing to meet some of our current subscribers and hear their stories, and Lev HaOlam wants to especially thank them for their continued support and patronage.

Representatives from Lev HaOlam also had the chance to take part in the Feast’s celebrations,

Which started off with inspiring talks from some of the most prominent Israeli thinkers of our time, and every day there was something new and exciting during the Feast. Adventurous attendees could take tours to nearby areas, such as Judea and Samaria (where all of our products come from!). There, they visited the ancient capital of Shilo, a major region for the Jewish faith and where the Tabernacle of Moses was kept for nearly 370 years. To finish off the celebration, there was even a peaceful march through the streets of Jerusalem, where attendees met with locals and expressed solidarity with Israel.

Special thanks to the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem for hosting such a fun event. We already can’t wait for next year’s Feast!