What’s Included in a Lev Haolam Box?

by Zvi Manasseh | Jul 19, 2018 | Company News

Every month is a new surprise in your mailbox! We strive to curate a variety of goodies that might include food products, clothing, jewelry, books, drinks, and natural products. Each box has hand-picked items from Judea & Samaria. Thousands of years ago, these two areas were known as the historical, religious, and agricultural heartland of Israel – and that passion still exists today in the small businesses that produce the items in each Lev Haolam box.

Excited to learn more? Let’s take a look at one of our recent boxes!

Negohot Honey

Tucked away on top of a hill, Negohot is a small village that is synonymous with the first item on our list: Negohot Honey. Founded by Baruch Foychtvanger, a second-generation beekeeper, and his wife, this honey is nothing like you’ve tasted before.
Traditionally, honey was mass-produced by feeding bees sugar water, which often resulted in bland and boring flavors. Negohot honey is the complete opposite: the bees are fed only the best nectar and pollen, which results in unique and delicious flavors like wildflower, avocado flower, and more.
Negohot honey has twice the nutrients and flavor of regular store-bought honey and goes with just about anything: add it to oatmeal, bread, yogurt, and even use it to glaze meat. The whole family will love this one-of-a-kind flavor!

Arugot Organic Hair Care Treatment

The next item comes from the small agricultural town of Arugot, which literally translates to flowerbeds in Hebrew. This three-step hair care treatment, which includes a shampoo, hair mask (conditioner), and hair elixir, was created by Esther Lachman. This creative businesswoman, who specialized in herbalism during her university studies, is inspired by the herbs and flowers that grow in her homeland. Each of the three products is handcrafted from the finest natural ingredients, aromatherapy oils, and organic flower extracts.
Whether you’re already a natural goddess or just starting on the path to a pure lifestyle, try out this hair care set – your hair will thank you for it.

Dried Mushrooms

Delicious, low calorie, and healthy… can a simple mushroom be all of that? Yes, it’s true – and it’s in our exclusive subscription box!
Tekoa Farms was founded in 1986 and started as a small farm producing oyster mushrooms – and more than thirty years later, it now harvests more than a dozen different types of mushrooms. The fertile soil of the Tekoa region gives the mushrooms its unique deep flavor and is perfect in any dish. In fact, three types of mushrooms, including oyster, shiitake, and champignon, are included in the bag.

Looking for a tasty way to try out this product? We have a recipe for Piquant Soup that’s sure to delight any taste buds.

Natural Jojoba Shampoo

Have you ever wondered how Israeli women get their hair to be so shiny and luscious? We’re letting you in on a little secret: jojoba oil! Pronounced ho-ho-ba, this small but multifunctional plant is mainly used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals because of its healing properties. It’s especially fantastic in shampoo, because it nourishes the scalp, moisturizes the follicle, and speeds up hair growth. Jojoba plants are grown in the heartland and have been used in shampoos, hair oils, and conditioners for centuries – If you’re looking for smooth and naturally healthy hair, look no further and try this shampoo!

Dried Dates

We’ve all been there: it’s 3pm and the midday slump is slowly creeping in. You have a deadline to meet at work, take your son to his soccer game, or run errands – but have no energy at all. Don’t worry and try our special dried Medjool dates! They’re high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins and give you an instant burst of energy. Take a few along with you or add them into cereal, trail mix, pancakes, salads, rice, and more.

Har Bracha Wine

One of Israel’s leading wineries, Har Bracha’s success can be credited to the rich soil of the heartland. The deep flavors and aromas, such as those of the 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon that came in this month’s box, will instantly transport you to the mesmerizing green valleys of Israel. Smooth, fruity, and well-balanced, Har Bracha wine is an instant hit – share the joy and pour a glass of this rich kosher wine with friends and family!

Like what you see? By subscribing to Lev Haolam, you’ll help support local businesses, spread the word about the amazing goods made in Israel, and enjoy a world of new products that you can’t get anywhere else. You’ll also fight the BDS (boycotts, divestment, and sanctions) movement against Israel and help promote international trade. Enjoy the unique flavors and gifts of Israel’s heartland every month and subscribe today.